Populated Places (0)
| National Capital |
| Alternative capital |
| Territorial capital |
L03_Mask_WM (14)
L04_Mask_WM (30)
L05_Mask_WM (49)
L06_Mask_WM (72)
WBYA10_L01 (84)
WBYA10_L02-L03 (85)
WBYA10_L04 (86)
WBYA10_L05 (87)
WBYA_L06 (88)
| Watercourse |
| <all other values> |
Global Boundaries L02 (90)
| International Boundary |
| Special Boundary line |
| Armistice or International Administrative line |
| Other line of Separation |
Global Boundaries L03 (91)
| International Boundary |
| Special Boundary line |
| Armistice or International Administrative line |
| Other line of Separation |
Global Boundaries L04 (92)
| International Boundary |
| Special Boundary line |
| Armistice or International Administrative line |
| Other line of Separation |
Global Boundaries L05 (93)
| International Boundary |
| Special Boundary line |
| Armistice or International Administrative line |
| Other line of Separation |
Global Boundaries L06 (94)
| International Boundary |
| Special Boundary line |
| Armistice or International Administrative line |
| Other line of Separation |
DRAL10_L04 (96)
| 1 |
| 3 |
DRAL10_L05 (97)
| 1 |
| 3 |
DRAL10_L06 (98)
| 1 |
| 3 |
| Watercourse |
Coastline_L05-L06 (102)
Coastline_L01-L04 (103)
Filter_hillshade_global_lowres1.tif (105)
| High : 255 - Low : 0 |
hillshade_medres_lowres.tif (106)
| High : 255 - Low : 0 |
Filter_Filter_Filter_hillshade_global1.tif (107)
| 255 - 0 |
BNDA_L01-L04 (109)
BNDA_L05-L06 (110)
UNOM_Base.DMC.CUSTOM_NE_10m_bathymetry (112)
| 200 |
| 1000 |
| 2000 |
| 3000 |
| <all other values> |
Ocean_L04-L06 (114)
Ocean_L0-L03 (115)
Tiles_NA (116)